How sport and physical activity is supporting occupational therapy

CIMSPA has marked Occupational Therapy Week (November 4th to 10th) by highlighting the work of one of its employer partners 'Sport for Confidence'.

CIMSPA is the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity which supports the workforce across the sector.

Through partners like Sport for Confidence, it helps to support a growing number of people in the UK who are struggling with long-term health conditions and mental health issues.

As well as often resulting in being unable to work, these illnesses can also lead to withdrawal from society and overall, a poorer quality of life.

Sport for Confidence provide occupational therapy at leisure centres, helping people to incorporate exercise into their lives and improve their health.

Its co-founder, Lyndsey Barrett, told “We don’t use labels to define people – we’re not specifically disability sport or dementia-friendly sport. We are occupational therapists supporting people to connect with physical activity in a way that actually improves their quality of life, whether they’re living with dementia or they’re struggling with their mental health.

“That’s allowed us to work across sectors in more of a whole-systems way because we can engage with so many different people and make a wider impact.”

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