Our Vision:
Inspiring a Lifelong Passion for Cricket.
The Worcestershire Cricket Board Ltd (WCBL) is the local governing body for the game. Together our team of professional officers and volunteers strive to lead cricket locally. The WCBL and it's various partner groups cover the broadest spectrum of cricketing activity including:
School Cricket
The WCBL aim to provide opportunities for school children to enjoy the many health and social benefits that cricket promotes. This is mainly achieved by the delivery of high quality coaching and upskilling of teachers through the Cricket Foundation Chance to Shine programme. The WCBL also provide these children with opportunities to compete within hard and softball competitions. By providing quality entry routes to the game the WCBL aim to encourage children to start their cricketing voyage by becoming members of their local cricket clubs.
Club Development
The WCBL aim to support all affiliated clubs by offering a number of packages which cater to their needs. This is prioritised through clubs who attend our Club Support Group meetings, which are held geographically across our four districts.
Assistance comes in the form of support with funding and facilities applications as well as through the Clubmark accreditation process. Our 4 local Club Support Groups situated within the North, South, East and West-Central regions of the county provide the structures to disseminate information to the local club volunteers as well as providing the forum in which to debate local issues.
The workforce of cricket within Worcestershire includes coaches, umpires, scorers, groundsmen, volunteers and administrators of many of our clubs and partner groups. We aim to deliver high quality courses which cater for the demands of the workforce aiming to provide opportunities to upskill in order to best serve the cricketers of Worcestershire.
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