We help sports organisations develop partnerships and find funding. If you are serious about using sport to improve your community then we want to help you.
We will help you find the funding you require to develop your work. We have an excellent track record of achieving success with funding bids and tenders of all shapes and sizes, be that local, regional, national or European funding. We will work with you to identify your funding needs and then map out the sources of funding that best fit this need.
Partnership Development
Working with the right partners on an equal footing is common sense to us and we are experts at helping develop partnerships across a wide-range of sectors, everything from the Houses of Parliament through to Network Rail and a large number of educational establishments. Partnership works best when both sides know what they want and what they are getting into, we can help you achieve this with both new and existing partners.
Capacity Building
We are experts at playing the long game, helping you put things in place to be able to achieve a sustainable future for your organisation. We know that sometimes you need to do more than just submit good bids and tenders and that there is much groundwork that can and should be done to place your organisation at the top of the list when people are making decisions as to whom they should fund or work with.
Facility Development
So much space within sports facilities is not used to its maximum potential, something we hate to see! If you are developing a new stadium or sports facility and are looking at how you can both involve the local community and achieve good levels of sustainable income then talk to us, we can help make your facility a true hub for the community.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Whether you are an organisation looking for the best place to invest your CSR budget or a community organisation looking for the right partner we can help you put together innovative projects that will benefit all involved.
We have helped many organisations achieve recognised accreditation marks and awards and can do this for you too in an easy and cost-effective way. We have successfully achieved places on Matrix, Merlin and the Skills Funding Agency’s register of training providers, we know what to do and what not to do! Equally if you are looking to raise the profile of your organisation we can help you put together compelling entries for awards programmes and have had national and international success in this area.
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