Football Beyond Borders
Using the power of football to educate and inspire young people across the UK

Football Beyond Borders is an education charity which uses football as an engagement tool to provide young people with the opportunity to achieve their goals and fulfil their potential. We do this through our football-themed, literacy curriculum which puts a young person’s passion for football at the heart of their education.

Our FBB Schools programme uses the power of football as an educational tool to support young people who are disengaged at school to improve their behaviour for learning, academic performance and school engagement.

Throughout 2018-19, we worked with 612 students across the UK to deliver our weekly programme on the pitch and in the classroom as a way to tackle low educational attainment, poor school attendance and challenging behaviour.

Registered office: Unit 4 Warwick House, Overton Road, London SW9 7JP

07946 448053
07846 900313